The capacitor is the most common component in electronics and used in almost every electronics application. There are many types of capacitor available in the market for serving different purposes in any electronic circuit. They are available in many different values from 1 Pico-Farad to 1 Farad capacitor and Supercapacitor. Capacitor also have a different types of ratings, such as working voltage, working temperature, tolerance of the rated value and leakage current.
The leakage current of capacitor is a crucial factor for the application, especially if used in Power electronics or Audio Electronics. Different types of capacitors provide different leakage current ratings. Apart from selecting the perfect capacitor with proper leakage, circuit should also have the ability to control the leakage current. So first we should have a clear understanding of capacitor leakage current.

Relation with Dielectric Layer

The leakage current of a capacitor has a direct relationship with the dielectric of the capacitor. Let's see the below image -