Wednesday, April 21, 2021


由晶体动量的三个分量可构成所谓k空间(波矢空间),该空间中的每一个点即代表晶体电子的一个状态。不过,由于晶体周期性势场的缘故,只需要k空间中的一个对称性原胞——维格纳(Wigner)-赛兹(Seitz)原胞中的代表点即可(其中就包含了所有的电子状态),该维格纳-赛兹原胞往往被称为Blliouin区。同时,这些代表点在Blliouin区中的分布是均匀的。而在晶体体积为V时,边界条件就限制了每一个代表点所占据的大小为1/V,所以Blliouin区中代表点的分布密度即为V(即状态密度与晶体体积成正比),这就是晶体电子的状态密度。(注:若令|k|=2π/λ,则状态密度=V/(2π)3 。)
晶体电子的能态密度是指单位能量范围中的状态数。 把上述k空间中的状态密度概念转换到能量空间中来,即可得到能态密度。


在室温下,对于Si:Nc=2.8×10 19cm–3,Nv=1.0 4×10 19cm–3;对于GaAs:Nc=4.7×10 17cm–3,Nv=7.0×10 18cm–3。可见,不管是导带、还是价带,其有效能级密度都远小于晶体的原子密度(~5×10 22 cm–3)。这就表明,在Boltzmann近似适用的非简并情况下,导带电子只是占据导带中的很少一部分能级(这时电子基本上就处在导带底附近),空穴也只是占据价带顶附近的一小部分能级。因此,在讨论半导体载流子的输运问题时,往往只考虑导带底和价带顶的状况即可。
注意:① 这里的有效能级密度概念只适用于非简并半导体。因为对于高掺杂和低温下的简并半导体,需要考虑Pauli原理和Fermi分布函数,则载流子浓度与Fermi能级的关系就没有上述那么简单,从而也就不可能只是简单地采用有效能级密度来处理问题了。②在有效能级密度(Nc和Nv)中所牵涉到的载流子有效质量与能带的有效质量有所不同,这里的有效质量往往称为状态密度有效质量(既计入了能带的有效质量,还计入了能带极值的情况)。

Friday, April 16, 2021

可以直接获取并下载Google Play APK的镜像站

Google Play官网:


2、需要输入Google Play链接或者包名

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

How to disable Google chrome Search history suggestions on the URL bar?

 ★In the past or present based on your Chrome usage behavior, you may come across the URL tab bar showing up the previous “search history” on your address bar.

★For some users in the last time, they logged onto their computer, this wasn’t happening, and you may be putting up with a lot of intriguing thoughts on what has changed, maybe the last chrome update did it? well, don't grain your brain energy on this simple matter.

Google Chrome Search History suggestions.
Figure 1. Google Chrome- showing up previous search history.

★When you raised a ticket to the chrome community or any other available internet blogs. you will get very excited and happy to see tons of suggestions and solutions, few may work few may not.

Alright, suit up for the technical round. let's jump into our solutions round.

Solutions to getting rid of it:

Option 1:

★I did my experiment on the latest version of Chrome, if you are using the older version of chrome some of the Omnibox features may not be available for you to navigate it.

STEP:1 On your Chrome Browser (any versions): Just type this keyword “chrome://flags/”on the search bar. Now, we are switching into the experimental features mode to find the “RAT” to hit it, I mean to disable the options and prevent them from showing it.

Figure 2. Chrome Experimental features mode.

Note: Ignore this WARNING message saying “ EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES AHEAD! By enabling these features, you could lose browser data or compromise your security or privacy. Enabled features apply to all users of this browser.

An interesting fact we are going to disable one or a few pieces of stuff, so be cool.


What’s its purpose: Enable frecency ranking for local history zero-prefix suggestions. — Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android.

★In the Search box type omnibox-local-zero-suggest-frecency-ranking. something will pop-up on the page. now, click on the combo box you will get three options “Default”, “Enabled”, and “Disabled”. Please, choose the “Disabled” option as shown in Figure3.

Figure 3.omnibox-local-zero-suggest-frecency-ranking.

STEP:3 Omnibox keyword search button

What's its purpose: The keyword search button offers a way to search on specific sites from the Omnibox. This flag has no effect unless “Omnibox suggestion button row” is also enabled. — Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS.

★In the Search box type ”Omnibox keyword search button”. something will pop-up on the page. now, click on the combo box you will get three options “Default”, “Enabled”, and “Disabled”. Please, choose the “Disabled” option as shown in Figure4.

Figure 4.Omnibox keyword search button.

★There are tons of Omnibox features, URL related search, etc., Omnibox from Google chrome browser.

★If the above options don’t prevent it from showing it, try Omnibox Max URL Matches, Omnibox Bubble URL Suggestions. These are a little irrelevant to it.

★I have opened the door for you, feel free to navigate other features, and enable or disable wisely. Please, be aware be conscious of what you read, what you choose, what you disable.

Option 2: Basic or Advanced Search history Delete.

  • Issues like this based on the default search behavior of the chrome browser. If you want to hide it you can navigate to the following menus on the given below screenshot to perform a full search delete.
  • Hey! watch out. Don't delete the cookies you will lose your auto-login functions, it will force you to enter a password for the sites you logged on, also it will wipe out the cookies and log-out automatically.
Figure 5: Search History-Navigations.
Figure 6. Delete Basic search history- Chrome Browser.

Option 3: Incognito mode,option%20as%20shown%20in%20Figure4.